- General secretary German society for extracorporeal shock wave therapy (DIGEST)
- Vice president Int. society for medical shockwave therapy (ISMST)
- Board member International Regenerative Medicine Experts Society (IARMES)
- Member American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
- Fellow American College of Surgeons (FACS)
Board certification
2003 Board certification in Sports medicine
2003 Board certification in Emergency medicine
October 2007 Board certification in General surgery
June 2009 Board certification in Plastic and Aesthetic surgery
June 2011 Board certification in Hand surgery
2016 Board certification in Shockwave medicine (DIGEST)
April 2009 Vice Chairman, Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, Hannover Medical School
03.10.10 Fellow des American College of Surgeons (FACS)
02.03.01 5th Michaelem Servetus Educational Hall Award for the best poster on atrial tachycardias, Madrid Arrhythmia Meeting, 2001
16.10.04 Posterpreis 13. Fachtagung Luftrettung für die Arbeit “Direkte Bestimmung des Schlagvolumens und Herzminutenvolumens durch nichtinvasive Doppleruntersuchung in der Luftrettung.
Dez 2004 GOTS-AIRCAST-Europa Fellowship
Juni 2005 Short list Michael-Jäger-Preis 2005 „Unterschiede der Mikrozirkulation der Achillessehne bei Gesunden im Vergleich zu Insertions- und mid-portion Tendinopathie“
Oktober 2006 Erster Posterpreis der Norddeutschen Orthopädenvereininigung (NOV): Eccentric training in Achilles tendinopathy.
November 2006 Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mikrochirurgie (DAM)-Förderpreis „Palmar microcirculation following radial artery harvesting“
Mai 2007 Poster Award Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie für die Arbeit „Protective balancing® for sports injury prevention“
April 2009 Golden Hour Scientific Award for Excellence in Clinical Research für die Arbeit: Immediate hemodynamic changes following betablockade in preclinical thoracic pain using USCOM in HEMS, San Antonio, TX, USA
April 2009 Scholarship Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (DGCh) to American College of Surgeons (ACS) in Chicago, IL, USA (5000 Euro)
März 2011 International Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS) Visiting Scholar Award Vancouver 2011
September 2011 5-CC Award for best paper in Dermatology for ”ESWT in cellulite” in Cannes, France
Oktober 2022 Best paper Award HaMiPla Georg-Thieme Verlag
September 2023 Best Poster American Acadademy of Podiatric Sports Medicine (AAPSM)
Book author
2009 Aus nach Sportverletzung? Sports medicine, Spitta-Verlag
2012 Mikronährstoffe in der Sportmedizin. Micronutrition in sports medicine. UniMed Verlag
2012 Kollagenasetherapie bei Morbus Dupuytren. Collagenase injection in Dupuytren’s disease
2015 Optimales Balancetraining. Best practice balance training. Spitta-Verlag
2018 ESWT in aesthetic medicine, burns & dermatology. Level 10
2019 ESWT in hand surgery. Level 10
2022 ESWT in neurology, Level 10
Scientific publications
300 peer reviewed Web of Science publications, H-index 30, 107 peer reviews
Top journals:
34 publications in Plastic Reconstructive Surgery
18 publications in American Journal of Sports Medicine
14 publications in Sportverletzung Sportschaden
9 publications in Burns
9 publications in Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery
9 publications in Knee Surgery, Sports, Traumatology